Wen Z., Pace-Schott, E.F., Lazar, S.W., Rosén, J., Åhs, F., Phelps, E.A., LeDoux, J.E., & Milad, M.R. (2024). Distributed neural representations of conditioned threat in the human brain. Nature Communications, 15, 2231. Abstract. PDF.

Bach, D.R, Sporrer, J., Abend, R., Beckers, T., Dunsmoor, J.E., Fullana, M.A., Gamer, M., Gee. D.G., Hamm, A., Hartley, C.A., Herringa, R.J., Jovanovic. T., Kalisch, R., Knight, D.C., Lissek, S., Lonsdorf, T.B., Merz, C.J., Milad, M., Morriss, J., Phelps, E.A., Pine, D.S., Olsson, A., van Reekum, C.M., Schiller, D. (2023). Consensus design of a calibration experiment for human fear conditioning. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 148, 105146. Abstract. PDF.

Dunsmoor, J.E., Murty, V.P., Clewett, D., Phelps, E.P., & Davachi, L. (2022). Tag and capture: How salient experiences target and rescue nearby events in memory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26, 782-95. Abstract. PDF.

Steinman, S.A., Dunsmoor, J.E., Gazman, Z., Stovezky, Y., Pascucci, O., Pomerenke, J., Phelps, E.A., Fyer, A., & Simpson, H.B. (2022). A Preliminary Test of Novelty-Facilitated Extinction in Individuals with Pathological Anxiety. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16, 873489. Abstract. PDF.

Clewett, D., Dunsmoor, J., Bachman, S.L., Phelps, E.A. & Davachi, L. (2022). Survival of the salient: aversive learning rescues otherwise forgettable memories via neural reactivation and post-encoding hippocampal connectivity. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 187, 107572. Abstract. PDF.

Atlas, L.A., Sandman, C.F. & Phelps, E.A. (2022). Rating expectations can slow aversive reversal learning. Psychophysiology, 59, e13979. Abstract. PDF.

Kredlow, A.M., Fenster R.J., Laurent, E.S., Ressler, K.J. & Phelps, E.A. (2021). Prefrontal, Amygdala, and threat processing Implications for PTSD. Neuropsychopharmacology. Abstract PDF

Goldfarb, E.V., Blow, T., Dunsmoor, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2021). Elemental and configural threat learning bias extinction generalization. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 180, 107405. Abstract PDF

de Voogd, L. & Phelps, E.A. (2020). A cognitively demanding working-memory intervention enhances extinction. Scientific Reports, 10, 7020. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Dunsmoor, J.E., Hakimi, M., Oosterwaal, S., NYU PROSPEC Collaboration, Meager, M.R., & Phelps, E.A. (2019). Patients with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lesions are capable of discriminatory threat learning but appear impaired in cognitive regulation of subjective fear. Social, Cognitive, Affective Neuroscience, [e-pub ahead of print]. Abstract PDF

Phelps, E.A. & Hofmann, S.G. (2019). Memory editing from science fiction to clinical practice. Nature, 572, 43-50. Abstract

Dunsmoor, J.E., Kroes, M.C.W., Li, J., Daw, N.D., Simpson, H.B., & Phelps, E.A. (2019). Role of human ventromedial prefrontal cortex in learning and recall of enhanced extinction. Journal of Neuroscience, [e-pub ahead of print]. Abstract PDF

Sarita, F., Kroes, M.C.W., Davachi, L., Phelps, E.A., & Dunsmoor, J.E. (2019). Threat learning promotes generalizations of episodic memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, [e-pub ahead of print]. Abstract PDF

de Voogd, L.D., Hermans, E.J., & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Regulating defensive survival circuits through cognitive demand via large-scale network reorganization. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 24, 124-129. Abstract PDF

Hartley, C.A., Coelho, C.A.O., Boeke, E., Ramirez, F., & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Individual differences in blink rate modulate the effect of instrumental control on subsequent Pavlovian responding. Psychopharmacology, 23, 87-97. Abstract PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Dunsmoor, J.E., Tompary, A., Hunter, L.E., Todorov, A., & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Stimulus generalization as a mechanism for learning to trust. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 1690-7. Abstract PDF

Atlas, L.Y. & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Prepared stimuli enhance aversive learning without weakening the impact of verbal instructions. Learning & Memory, 25, 100-4. Abstract PDF

Raio, C.M., Hartley, C.A., Orederu, T.A., Li, J., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Stress attenuates the flexible updating of aversive value. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 11241-6. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Dunsmoor, J.E., Lin, Q., Evans, M., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). A reminder before extinction strengthens episodic memory via reconsolidation but fails to disrupt generalized threat responses. Scientific Reports, 7, 10858. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Dunsmoor, J.E., Mackey, W.E., McClay, M., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Context conditioning in humans using commercially available immersive Virtual Reality. Scientific Reports, 7, 8640. Abstract PDF

Dunsmoor, J.E., Otto, A.R., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Stress promotes generalization of older but not recent threat memories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 9218-23. Abstract PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Dunsmoor, J.E., Kroes, M.C.W., Lackovic, S., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Associative learning of social value in dynamic groups. Psychological Science, 28, 1160-70. Abstract PDF

Boeke, E.A., Moscarello, J.M., LeDoux, J.E., Phelps, E.A., & Hartley, C.A. (2017). Active avoidance: Neural mechanisms and attenuation of Pavlovian conditioned responding. Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 4808-18. Abstract PDF

Dunsmoor, J.E., Kroes, M.C.W., Braren, S.H., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Threat intensity widens fear generalization gradients. Behavioral Neuroscience, 131, 168-75. Abstract PDF

Hermans, E.J., Kanen, J.W., Tambini, A., Fernandez, G., Davachi, L., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Persistence of amygdala-hippocampal connectivity and multi-voxel correlation structures during awake rest after fear learning predicts long-term expression of fear. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 3028-41. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Schiller, D., LeDoux, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Translational approaches targeting reconsolidation. Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience, 28, 197-230. Abstract PDF

Atlas, L.Y., Doll, B.B., Li, J., Daw, N.D., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Instructed knowledge shapes feedback-driven aversive learning in striatum and orbitofrontal cortex, but not the amygdala. eLife, 5, e15192.

Dunsmoor, J.E., Kubota, J.T., Li, J., Coehlo, C.A., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Racial stereotypes impair flexibility of emotional learning.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, 1363-73. Abstract PDF

Coelho, C.A., Dunsmoor, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2015). Compound stimulus extinction reduces spontaneous recovery in humans. Learning and Memory, 22, 583-93. Abstract PDF

Dunsmoor, J.E., Niv, Y., Daw, N.D., & Phelps, E.A. (2015). Rethinking extinction. Neuron, 88, 47-63. Abstract PDF

Raio, C.M. & Phelps E.A. (2015). Observational Fear Learning. In: Arthur W. Toga, editor. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Academic Press: Elsevier. pp. 137-141. Abstract PDF

Bach, D.R, Sporrer, J., Abend, R., Beckers, T., Dunsmoor, J.E., Fullana, M.A., Gamer, M., Gee. D.G., Hamm, A., Hartley, C.A., Herringa, R.J., Jovanovic. T., Kalisch, R., Knight, D.C., Lissek, S., Lonsdorf, T.B., Merz, C.J., Milad, M., Morriss, J., Phelps, E.A., Pine, D.S., Olsson, A., van Reekum, C.M., Schiller, D. (2023). Consensus design of a calibration experiment for human fear conditioning. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 148, 105146. Abstract. PDF.

Dunsmoor, J.E., Murty, V.P., Clewett, D., Phelps, E.P., & Davachi, L. (2022). Tag and capture: How salient experiences target and rescue nearby events in memory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26, 782-95. Abstract. PDF.

Steinman, S.A., Dunsmoor, J.E., Gazman, Z., Stovezky, Y., Pascucci, O., Pomerenke, J., Phelps, E.A., Fyer, A., & Simpson, H.B. (2022). A Preliminary Test of Novelty-Facilitated Extinction in Individuals with Pathological Anxiety. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16, 873489. Abstract. PDF.

Clewett, D., Dunsmoor, J., Bachman, S.L., Phelps, E.A. & Davachi, L. (2022). Survival of the salient: aversive learning rescues otherwise forgettable memories via neural reactivation and post-encoding hippocampal connectivity. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 187, 107572. Abstract. PDF.

Atlas, L.A., Sandman, C.F. & Phelps, E.A. (2022). Rating expectations can slow aversive reversal learning. Psychophysiology, 59, e13979. Abstract. PDF.

Kredlow, A.M., Fenster R.J., Laurent, E.S., Ressler, K.J. & Phelps, E.A. (2021). Prefrontal, Amygdala, and threat processing Implications for PTSD. Neuropsychopharmacology. Abstract PDF

Goldfarb, E.V., Blow, T., Dunsmoor, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2021). Elemental and configural threat learning bias extinction generalization. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 180, 107405. Abstract PDF

de Voogd, L. & Phelps, E.A. (2020). A cognitively demanding working-memory intervention enhances extinction. Scientific Reports, 10, 7020. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Dunsmoor, J.E., Hakimi, M., Oosterwaal, S., NYU PROSPEC Collaboration, Meager, M.R., & Phelps, E.A. (2019). Patients with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lesions are capable of discriminatory threat learning but appear impaired in cognitive regulation of subjective fear. Social, Cognitive, Affective Neuroscience, [e-pub ahead of print]. Abstract PDF

Phelps, E.A. & Hofmann, S.G. (2019). Memory editing from science fiction to clinical practice. Nature, 572, 43-50. Abstract

Dunsmoor, J.E., Kroes, M.C.W., Li, J., Daw, N.D., Simpson, H.B., & Phelps, E.A. (2019). Role of human ventromedial prefrontal cortex in learning and recall of enhanced extinction. Journal of Neuroscience, [e-pub ahead of print]. Abstract PDF

Sarita, F., Kroes, M.C.W., Davachi, L., Phelps, E.A., & Dunsmoor, J.E. (2019). Threat learning promotes generalizations of episodic memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, [e-pub ahead of print]. Abstract PDF

de Voogd, L.D., Hermans, E.J., & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Regulating defensive survival circuits through cognitive demand via large-scale network reorganization. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 24, 124-129. Abstract PDF

Hartley, C.A., Coelho, C.A.O., Boeke, E., Ramirez, F., & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Individual differences in blink rate modulate the effect of instrumental control on subsequent Pavlovian responding. Psychopharmacology, 23, 87-97. Abstract PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Dunsmoor, J.E., Tompary, A., Hunter, L.E., Todorov, A., & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Stimulus generalization as a mechanism for learning to trust. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 1690-7. Abstract PDF

Atlas, L.Y. & Phelps, E.A. (2018). Prepared stimuli enhance aversive learning without weakening the impact of verbal instructions. Learning & Memory, 25, 100-4. Abstract PDF

Raio, C.M., Hartley, C.A., Orederu, T.A., Li, J., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Stress attenuates the flexible updating of aversive value. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 11241-6. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Dunsmoor, J.E., Lin, Q., Evans, M., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). A reminder before extinction strengthens episodic memory via reconsolidation but fails to disrupt generalized threat responses. Scientific Reports, 7, 10858. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Dunsmoor, J.E., Mackey, W.E., McClay, M., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Context conditioning in humans using commercially available immersive Virtual Reality. Scientific Reports, 7, 8640. Abstract PDF

Dunsmoor, J.E., Otto, A.R., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Stress promotes generalization of older but not recent threat memories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 9218-23. Abstract PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Dunsmoor, J.E., Kroes, M.C.W., Lackovic, S., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Associative learning of social value in dynamic groups. Psychological Science, 28, 1160-70. Abstract PDF

Boeke, E.A., Moscarello, J.M., LeDoux, J.E., Phelps, E.A., & Hartley, C.A. (2017). Active avoidance: Neural mechanisms and attenuation of Pavlovian conditioned responding. Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 4808-18. Abstract PDF

Dunsmoor, J.E., Kroes, M.C.W., Braren, S.H., & Phelps, E.A. (2017). Threat intensity widens fear generalization gradients. Behavioral Neuroscience, 131, 168-75. Abstract PDF

Hermans, E.J., Kanen, J.W., Tambini, A., Fernandez, G., Davachi, L., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Persistence of amygdala-hippocampal connectivity and multi-voxel correlation structures during awake rest after fear learning predicts long-term expression of fear. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 3028-41. Abstract PDF

Kroes, M.C.W., Schiller, D., LeDoux, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Translational approaches targeting reconsolidation. Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience, 28, 197-230. Abstract PDF

Atlas, L.Y., Doll, B.B., Li, J., Daw, N.D., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Instructed knowledge shapes feedback-driven aversive learning in striatum and orbitofrontal cortex, but not the amygdala. eLife, 5, e15192.

Dunsmoor, J.E., Kubota, J.T., Li, J., Coehlo, C.A., & Phelps, E.A. (2016). Racial stereotypes impair flexibility of emotional learning.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, 1363-73. Abstract PDF

Coelho, C.A., Dunsmoor, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2015). Compound stimulus extinction reduces spontaneous recovery in humans. Learning and Memory, 22, 583-93. Abstract PDF

Dunsmoor, J.E., Niv, Y., Daw, N.D., & Phelps, E.A. (2015). Rethinking extinction. Neuron, 88, 47-63. Abstract PDF

Raio, C.M. & Phelps E.A. (2015). Observational Fear Learning. In: Arthur W. Toga, editor. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Academic Press: Elsevier. pp. 137-141. Abstract PDF

Consensus design of a calibration experiment for human fear conditioning

Tag and capture: how salient experiences target and rescue nearby events in memory

A Preliminary Test of Novelty-Facilitated Extinction in Individuals With Pathological Anxiety

Survival of the salient: aversive learning rescues otherwise forgettable memories via neural reactivation and post-encoding hippocampal connectivity

Rating expectations can slow aversive reversal learning

Prefrontal, Amygdala, and threat processing Implications for PTSD

Elemental and configural threat learning bias extinction generalization

A cognitively demanding working-memory intervention enhances extinction.

Patients with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lesions are capable of discriminatory threat learning but appear impaired in cognitive regulation of subjective fear

Memory editing from science fiction to clinical practice

Role of human ventromedial prefrontal cortex in learning and recall of enhanced extinction. Journal of Neuroscience

Threat learning promotes generalizations of episodic memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Regulating defensive survival circuits through cognitive demand via large-scale network reorganization. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

Individual differences in blink rate modulate the effect of instrumental control on subsequent Pavlovian responding. Psychopharmacology

Stimulus generalization as a mechanism for learning to trust. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Prepared stimuli enhance aversive learning without weakening the impact of verbal instructions. Learning & Memory

Stress attenuates the flexible updating of aversive value. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A reminder before extinction strengthens episodic memory via reconsolidation but fails to disrupt generalized threat responses. Scientific Reports

Context conditioning in humans using commercially available immersive Virtual Reality. Scientific Reports

Stress promotes generalization of older but not recent threat memories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Associative learning of social value in dynamic groups. Psychological Science

Active avoidance: Neural mechanisms and attenuation of Pavlovian conditioned responding. Journal of Neuroscience

Threat intensity widens fear generalization gradients. Behavioral Neuroscience

Persistence of amygdala-hippocampal connectivity and multi-voxel correlation structures during awake rest after fear learning predicts long-term expression of fear. Cerebral Cortex

Translational approaches targeting reconsolidation. Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience

Racial stereotypes impair flexibility of emotional learning. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Coelho, C.A., Dunsmoor, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2015). Compound stimulus extinction reduces spontaneous recovery in humans. Learning and Memory, 22, 583-93.

Dunsmoor, J.E., Niv, Y., Daw, N.D., & Phelps, E.A. (2015). Rethinking extinction. Neuron, 88, 47-63.

Dunsmoor, J.E., Murty, V.P., Davachi, L., & Phelps, E.A. (2015). Emotional learning selectively and retroactively strengthens memories for related events. Nature, 520, 345-8.

Raio, C.M. & Phelps, E.A. (2015). The influence of acute stress on the regulation of conditioned fear. Neurobiology of Stress, 1, 134-156.

Novelty-facilitated extinction: Providing a novel outcome in place of an expected threat diminishes recovery of defensive responses. Biological Psychiatry

The cognitive neuroscience of fear and its control: From animal models to human experience. In M.S. Gazzaniga & G.R. Mangun (eds), The Cognitive Neurosciences, 5th edition

Young and old Pavlovian fear memories can be modified with extinction training during reconsolidation in humans. Learning and Memory

Extinction resistant changes in the human auditory association cortex following threat learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Raio, C.M., Brignoni-Perez, E., Goldman, R., & Phelps, E.A. (2014). Acute stress impairs the retrieval of extinction memory in humans. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 112, 212-21.

Stressor controllability modulates fear extinction in humans. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Extinction during reconsolidation of threat memory diminishes prefrontal cortex involvement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Phelps, E.A. & Schiller, D. (2013). Reconsolidation in humans. In C.M. Alberini (ed.), Memory Reconsolidation. Waltham, MA: Academic Press (185-212).

Hartley, C.A. & Phelps, E.A. (2013). Fear models in animal and humans. In R.A. Vasa & A.K. Roy (eds.), Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Clinical Guide. New York: Springer (3-22).

Cognitive emotion regulation fails the stress test. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Ferneyhough, E.,Kim, M.K., Phelps, E.A., & Carrasco, M. (2013). Anxiety modulates the effects of emotion and attention on early vision. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 166-76.

Schiller, D., Raio, C.M., & Phelps, E.A. (2012). Extinction training during the reconsolidation window prevents recovery of fear. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 66, e3893.

Shurick, A.A., Hamilton, J.R., Harris, L.T., Roy, A.K., Gross, J.J., & Phelps, E.A. (2012). Durable effects of cognitive restructuring on conditioned fear. Emotion, 12, 1393-7.

Raio, C.M., Carmel, D., Carrasco, M., & Phelps, E.A. (2012). Nonconscious fear is quickly acquired but swiftly forgotten. Current Biology, 22, R477-9.

Serotonin transporter polyadenylation polymorphism modulates the retention of fear extinction memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Li, J., Schiller, D., Schoenbaum, G., Phelps, E.A. & Daw, N.D. (2011). Differential roles of human striatum and amygdala in associative learning. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 1250-2.

Schiller, D. & Phelps, E.A. (2011). Does reconsolidation occur in humans? Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 24.

Delgado, M.R., Jou, R. & Phelps, E.A. (2011). Neural systems underlying aversive conditioning in humans with primary and secondary reinforcers. Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience, 5, 71.

Delgado, M.R., Phelps E.A. & Robbins, T.W. (2011). Decision Making, Affect, and Learning: Attention and Performance XXIII. Oxford England: Oxford University Press.

Brain structure correlate of individual differences in the acquisition and inhibition of conditioned fear. Cerebral Cortex

Li, J., Delgado, M.R. & Phelps, E.A. (2011). How instructed knowledge modulates the neural systems of reward learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 108, 55-60.

Schiller, D., Monfils, M.H., Raio, C.M., Johnson, D.C., LeDoux, J.E. & Phelps, E.A. (2010). Preventing the return of fear in humans using reconsolidation update mechanisms. Nature, 463, 49-53.

Hartley, C.A. & Phelps, E.A. (2010). Changing Fear: The neurocircuitry of emotion regulation. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35, 136-46.

Whalen, P.J. & Phelps. E.A. (2009). The Human Amygdala. New York: Guilford Press.

Avoiding negative outcomes: Tracking the mechanisms of avoidance learning in humans during fear conditioning. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience

Phelps, E.A. (2009). The human amygdala and the control of fear. In P.J. Whalen & E.A. Phelps (eds), The Human Amygdala. New York: Guilford Press (204-19).

Schiller, D., Levy, I., Niv. Y., LeDoux, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2008). From fear to safety and back: Reversal of fear in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 11517-25.

Delgado, M.R., Nearing K.I., LeDoux, J.E., & Phelps, E.A. (2008). Neural circuitry underlying the regulation of conditioned fear and its relation to extinction. Neuron, 59, 829-38.

The role of the striatum in aversive learning and aversive prediction error. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Biological Sciences

Delgado, M.R., Gillis, M,M, & Phelps, E.A. (2008). Regulating the expectation of reward via cognitive strategies. Nature Neuroscience, 11, 880-1.

Evidence for recovery of fear following immediate extinction in rats and humans. Learning and Memory

LeDoux, J.E. & Phelps, E.A. (2008). Emotional networks in the brain. In M. Lewis & J. Haviland-Jones, L.F. Barrett (eds.) Handbook of Emotion, 3rd ed. NY: Guilford (159-79).

Human fear-related motor circuitry. Neuroscience

Olsson, A. & Phelps, E.A. (2007). Social Learning of Fear. Nature Neuroscience, 10, 1095-1102.

Understanding learning: Specific challenges in merging the levels of analysis. In H.L. Roediger, Y. Dudai and S.M. Fitzpatrick (Eds), Science of Memory: Concepts

Ochsner, K.N. & Phelps, E.A. (2007). Emerging perspectives on emotion-cognition interactions. Trends in Cognitive Science, 11, 317-8.

Olsson, A., Nearing, K.I. & Phelps, E.A. (2007). Learning fears by observing others: The neural systems of social fear transmission. Social, Cognitive, Affective Neuroscience, 2, 2-10.

Neurocircuitry models of posttraumatic stress disorder and extinction: Human neuroimaging research past, present and future. Biological Psychiatry

Delgado, M.R., Labouliere, C.D. & Phelps, E.A. (2006). Fear of losing money? Aversive conditioning with secondary reinforcers. Social, Cognitive, Affective Neuroscience, 1, 250-9.

Phelps, E.A. (2006). Emotion and Cognition. In Smith, E.E., Koslyn, S.M. (Eds) Cognitive Psychology: Mind and Brain. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall (pp. 325-363).

Phelps, E.A., Ling, S., & Carrasco, M. (2006). Emotion facilitates perception and potentiates the perceptual benefit of attention. Psychological Science, 17, 292-299.

Lifespan Development and the Brain: The Perspective of Biocultural Co-Constructivism

Delgado, M.R., Olsson, A., & Phelps, E.A. (2006). Extending animal models of fear conditioning to humans. Biological Psychology, 73, 39-48.

Phelps, E.A. (2006). Emotion and cognition: Insights from studies of the human amygdala. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 27-53.

Phelps, E.A. & LeDoux, J.E. (2005). Neural systems underlying emotion behavior: From animal models to human function. Neuron, 48, 175-87.

Olsson, A., Ebert J.P, Banaji, M.R. & Phelps, E.A. (2005). The role of social group in the persistence of learned fear. Science, 309, 785-7.

Classical fear-conditioning in the anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy

The interaction of emotion and cognition: Insights from studies of the human amygdala. In L. F. Barrett, P. Niendathal, & P. Winkielman (Eds) Emotion and Consciousness

Fear-related activity in the subgenual anterior cingulate differs between men and women

LaBar, K.S. & Phelps, E.A. (2005). Reinstatement of conditioned fear in humans is context-dependent and impaired in amnesia. Behavioral Neuroscience, 119, 677-86.

Delgado, M.R., Miller, M.M., Inati, S., & Phelps, E.A. (2005). An fMRI study of reward-related probability learning. NeuroImage, 24, 862-873.

Olsson, A. & Phelps, E.A. (2004). Learned fear of “unseen” faces after Pavlovian, observational and instructed fear. Psychological Science, 15, 822-28.

Phelps, E.A., Delgado, M.R., Nearing, K.I., LeDoux, J.E. (2004). Extinction learning in humans: Role of the amygdala and vmPFC. Neuron, 43, 897-905.

Phelps, E.A. (2004). The human amygdala and awareness: Interactions between emotion and cognition. In M.S. Gazzaniga (Ed) The Cognitive Neurosciences, 3rd ed, Cambridge: MIT Press.

The interaction of emotion and cognition: The relation between the amygdala and cognitive awareness. In R. Hassan, J.S. Uleman & J.A. Bargh (Eds) The New Unconscious, 2nd ed

Phelps, E.A. (2004). Human emotion and memory: Interactions of the amygdala and hippocampal complex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 14, 198-202.

Is the human amygdala critical for the subjective experience of emotion? Evidence of intact dispositional affect in patients with amygdala lesions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

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Phelps E.A., O’Connor, K.J., Gatenby, J.C., Grillon, C., Gore, J.C., & Davis, M. (2001). Activation of the left amygdala to a cognitive representation of fear. Nature Neuroscience, 4, 437-41.

A double dissociation in the affective modulation of startle in humans: Effects of unilateral temporal lobectomy. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Methods for developmental studies of fear conditioning circuitry. Biological Psychiatry

Anderson A.K., & Phelps, E.A. (2000). Perceiving emotion: More than meets the eye. Current Biology, 10, R551-4.

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Human amygdala activation during conditioned fear acquisition and extinction: A mixed trial fMRI study. Neuron

Phelps, E.A., & Anderson, A.K. (1997). Emotional Memory: What does the amygdala do? Current Biology, 7, 311-14.

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